Tuesday, March 8, 2011

San Diego Zoo

A few years ago, I went to the San Diego Zoo for a class project.  The class was Physical Anthropology so I spent most of my day scrutinizing the habits of various primates... primates are kinda boring.  Well... I guess we all are!

I thought it was funny that they just let peacocks run around at the front of the Zoo... it wasn't that big of an issue except they make a really loud noise that's not very pretty after awhile...

I Thought I Had More

I have more travels somewhere... but I can't find them all.  I keep finding pictures I can use for the Photonotebook but there is almost nothing usable for this blog.  I mean, I have ideas but I really thought I had more stuff... I'll keep looking but on my last Vegas trip I apparently didn't take photos that weren't just family members... that irks me... well, here's hoping I find my old Hawaii and Australia stuff so I have some posts!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Oak Glenn

     I haven't gone anywhere in a long while... and since I wanted to get started on a first post I thought I'd start with an older travel to Oak Glenn.  Well, actually I was looking for some other set and I happened upon these pictures!  First off, Oak Glenn has no connection with Glenn Oak from TV's Seventh Heaven, so if you were hoping in that... I'm afraid you won't find that here.

      I was invited by a friend of mine to take a trip up to some semi-rural town in Southern California... apparently his family pick some kinda berries there.  I believe raspberries... though it may have been those blue ones... I don't remember a whole lot from the trip because it was awhile back... but I took some pictures all the same.


     I was walking along today... as I often do... and I thought to myself "Justin, you should start a travel blog".  "I don't go a lot of places of note though", I said in reply. I responded by saying  "that's alright, you go to fairly random spots and have little adventures."  So I'm gonna shoot for a new blog every month detailing my Awesome Adventures in whatever location I happen to find myself in... I hope you will join me!